Serving the needs and aspirations of refugees and asylum seekers

The JNRC is a day center for refugees and asylum seekers. Here they can relax, learn, and receive counseling to achieve their goals.

We are in the crypt of St. Paul's Within the Walls Episcopal Church in the heart of Rome, Italy.

The JNRC offers services ranging from basic supplies, to a relaxed atmosphere, to legal and social counseling, to employment support, to language and skills courses, for nearly 150 people every day. Using a holistic approach, we try to address both the urgent needs of those who have just arrived in Rome and the needs of those seeking to settle in Rome.

The Joel Nafuma Refugee Center is not financially supported or connected to any government. Most of our staff are volunteers, here to help you, give you information and support you during your life in Italy.


We welcome LGBTQ+ asylum seekers and refugees in partnership with the Rainbow Initiative.

Our Services

  • Having a good command of some languages is often the necessary first step in the journey to achieve one's goals for many of our guests. That is why we have courses in Italian, for those seeking work here and looking to settle down, as well as English, German and French.

  • We provide a variety of clothing and toiletries in our Supply Room, which guests can take free of charge at various intervals.

  • Individual or group, therapy-whether formal or simply an opportunity for openness-can be a crucial opportunity to heal wounds and prepare for the future

  • Writing a CV is one of many people's first steps in the process of getting a job.

  • JNRC's mission is to provide the basic assistance needed by refugees and asylum seekers to overcome immediate challenges and have the tools they need to create a stable situation for themselves.

  • The JNRC has a long history of humanitarian aid, mainly because of its location in the crypt of St. Paul's Within the Walls. In the 1980s, this place evolved from being known in the migrant community as welcoming to becoming a center with increasing services and outreach.

  • The JNRC is composed of long-term staff members and a team of volunteers and interns from around the world, all of whom are dedicated and passionate about the work they do. This dedication thrives at the JNRC, whose environment is friendly and dynamic.

Take a minute to watch our campaign for our Embrace Diversity: Refugee Integration Through Care of Creation Project

Other than being a day center for refugees and asylum seekers, the JNRC also runs a Service Learning Program oriented towards student groups.

Service Learning is an outreach and awareness raising program. By educating about the history of the term “refugee,” its social and legal connotations, the program seeks to widen peoples understanding of what it means to be
a refugee. Creating an open discussion about this topic brings us, as a society, one step closer to fully embracing diversity.






Whether you can make a donation of time or money, provide grant funding
for projects or programs, or share the word of our work with others,
we need your support to continue.

Help us to serve more guests with your contributions.


Read our Annual Report from 2023 and learn more about JNRC’s mission, services and long-term projects.



Each church and ministry organization within the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe is obliged to adhere to the Safeguarding Policies adopted by the Convocation. This document seeks to offer direction and requirements for the proper care and appropriate attention to be given to children, youth and vulnerable adults. It also aims to provide for the protection of teachers, youth workers, employees and clergy from compromising or dangerous situations. The purpose of this policy is to foster the highest standards of behavior in ministry settings.


If you have heard complaints from children, youth or a vulnerable adult, or have reason to believe that a member of the community is being abused, you should simply report the matter to a member of the clergy, or to the Safeguarding Officer.

The St. Paul’s and JNRC Safeguarding Officer is Susan Grooters. Email: