We seek highly motivated, compassionate, thoughtful, flexible volunteers that can take initiative and follow through with tasks. Volunteers should be willing to work as part of a non-competitive team, treat each guest with the utmost respect and dignity at all times, and be comfortable working in an environment with predominately male adult guests, many of whom may be going through a hard time and are isolated.
In order to keep operations in our center running as smoothly as possible, we ask volunteers to commit to working to a specific schedule, for a minimum of three months, ideally six months. We ask this because training and orienting new volunteers takes up a large chunk of staff time and effort.
Additionally, we request volunteers be at least 18 years of age, preferably with some experience in the area they want to work in. Volunteers must also understand that we leave personal politics and religion at the door and serve all in a spirit of peace.
The JNRC cannot pay for visas, accommodation, travel or other living expenses and is unable to issue guarantee letters for paperwork.
Volunteer Positions to be filled
starting september 2023
Art therapist: Art therapy and group therapy *
Educator: Service Learning program i.e raising awareness on the legal, social and humanitarian issues related to migration.
French Teacher : 1h30 per week
English Teacher: 1h30 per week
Music Teacher (guitar, keyboard, drums): 1h30 per week
Psychologist: once a week or more
Safe Space for Women and Children coordinator: twice a week
Men’s Supply Room operator: twice a week
Although these are the most needed volunteers in order for the JNRC to run all its programs at their highest capacity, volunteering in any other domain is always appreciated. Other programs such as the Supply Room program or JNRC Works program can always use more volunteers, have a look at the different services offered at the center to see what you could participate in.
Please reach out if you have any skills or knowledge that you think the JNRC and its guests could benefit from.
Please send a CV to our HR manager with a start date and end date for when you want to volunteer.

JNRC has developed six webinars with the purpose to offer an effective tool to those volunteers that assist guests through the JNRC language programs (Italian, English, German). All webinars are based on the Council of Europe Toolkit Language Support for Adult Refugees and have been adapted to the linguistic integration needs of JNRC guests.
Are you engaged as a volunteer or interested in the linguistic support for refugees and asylum seekers? Then check out our webinars in Italian, English or German below!