Dress With Dignity
Fashion can allow us to express ourselves without speaking, breaking down barriers and allowing for a form of communication which goes beyond specific languages.
This project puts at the forefront creativity, self-expression and community for the benefit of individuals in the refugee community seeking to pursue careers in fashion as well as the refugee community in general.
This project is called "Dress with Dignity," for the many ways the way one dresses can contribute to the way one feels. From having the basics, enough to shelter oneself, enough to feel safe, to dignified clothes which can make one feel empowered. This project, however, also takes into the account the way in which clothes can influence others, especially in the job market where self-confidence is crucial.
The Idea
The idea for this project grew out of Faisal's love of fashion, and the joy he gets from creating outfits and building a universe around them using photography. More specifically, it was born out of his desire not only to share this passion with the world and the communities around, but with the community of refugees who come to the JNRC and which he is part of. For months, Faisal has been volunteering at the supply room and gave advise to the other guests: which colors go well together, how to style an old-fashioned sweater and in general how to get the best out of second-hand clothing.
Indeed, the Supply Room is not only a distribution place where guests get clothes and fulfill their need for material help, but also a space of creativity and community. Where one can dress according to how he wants to be seen, can explore his personality and his creativity. There is a special kind of confidence which is acquired by being able to appear as one would like to be perceived, a confidence in communicating effectively who you are with your taste and creativity. The students and teacher of the sewing program matched this enthusiasm and creativity. Together with Faisal and his team, they designed new clothes and upcycled old ones.
Behind the scenes.
"Dress with Dignity" gave the opportunity to many guests to experiment, learn and gain creative experience. For many who want to pursue a carrier in the arts, a major barrier is the creation of a portfolio and the gaining of first-hand experience. Refugees and asylum seekers are hugely disadvantaged in this respect, many cannot afford to do unpaid internships or don't have the material to pursue their creative ideas. This community has unequal access to higher education in general, which is even more strongly felt in creative disciplines for exactly this reason. With this project however, not only did participants get the opportunity to work together towards a final event but now they have a portfolio and an enriched CV.