Women & Children’s Room
This new space, which redefines the JNRC, was opened in November 2022
Creating a dedicated space for refugee women and their children, the Women & Children’s Room, is a new initiative of the JNRC’s aimed at providing services more targetted to women, making the JNRC a more welcoming space for them
a safe space
Women and children fleeing their countries are the most exposed to hardship and danger. They often become targets for exploitation and violence. Providing a space for them to relax and engage with others helps them to develop a network that will support and encourage them as they transition to a new life in their host country.
Since the beginning of this project we have seen a considerable increase in the number of women who frequent the center. Before the opening of the space the demographic distribution of our guests was about 80% men and 20% women; But the majority of those women came either for the italian language learning class or for help finding a job - but when they had used either service would be on their way, with an occasional woman taking some clothes from our limited stock of for women and children. Now on the other hand a much larger number of women actually frequent the center, finding within it a social space and one in which more of their needs can be met; a community.
Of course, knowing that at the JNRC you can find anything you need- from underwear to clothing to sanitary products - is a reason to go, but knowing that in the meantime you can also take sewing classes and have your children play with interns while you follow the italian class you've been wanting to go to is a reason to stay.
Although the sewing classes are now also open to men and has left the Women & Children's Room space, it is still only frequented by women - a very tight group of women at that. This program attests to the idea that now that refugee women feel like there is space for them at the jnrc - a space for them - they will stay for more. Soon there will also be group meetings dedicated to the topic of womanhood led by qualified psychologists, in order to help refugee women - who are a very vulnerable group and statistically are quite likely to have endured abuses - breach topics which are hard to talk about.
This "Women's Empowerment" group aims to give refugee women appropriate information to get any kind of help they may need and to be aware of the different services available for them in Rome.
Indeed, given the trends, we predict a continued increase in the number of women coming to the JNRC and using our services, and with them more children. This is good news for the women refugee community of rome, who will increasingly create social bonds within this space, and for the JNRC community as a whole.
With the assistance from JNRC interns or volonteers, guests can browse the room for underwear, bras, tights, stretch pants, jeans, skirts, dresses, jumpers, blouses, tshirts, jackets, coats, hats, scarves, shoes, handbags, hand sanitizer, shampoo, soap, period pads, wet wipes, combs and more.
Guests are also welcome ot have a seat and use the "hang-out area," made cosy with a carpet and wall decorations, and have a chat with their friends or the volonteers or interns. In the meantime their children can play in the dedicated space for them, with a carpet of its own and surrounded by toys.