Registration & InfoPoint
The InfoPoint is the first place of contact at the JNRC. Guests are registered and given a JNRC card with which they can use other service and take items from the supply Room. Piero, the opertions manager will explain how the center functions, guests can go to him with any administrative questions.
Monday - Friday
8:30 - 12:00
Registration, social & administrative advice
Inscription & Point d’Information
Lundi - Vendredi, 8:30: - 12:00
Inscription, conseil social & administratif
نقش ، نقطة معلومات
لوندي - فيندريدي ، 8:30 - 12:00
التسجيل والمجلس الاجتماعي والإداري
Iscrizione, punto d'informazione
Lunedi - Venerdi, 8:30 - 12:00
Iscrizione, assistenza sociale e amministrativa