Sewing Classes
The sewing lessons are centered around learning to use a sewing machine, but hand sewing for mending is also taught. Students with the help and advice of the teacher eventually make their own creation
Tuesday & Thursday
10:00 - 11:30
Learn to use a sewing machine, mend clothes, and make your own design
كورسو دي كوكيتو
مارتيدي جيوفدي ، 10:00 - 11:30
Impara a usare una macchina da cucire، rammendare i vestiti e creare il tuo design
Cours de Coutture
Mardi & Jeudi, 10:00 - 11:30
Apprenez à utiliser une machine à coudre, à réparer des vêtements et à faire votre propre création
Corso di Cucito
Martedì & Giovedì, 10:00 - 11:30
Impara a usare una macchina da cucire, rammendare i vestiti e creare il tuo design